
Its Various Style Batik

Posted by Dafa-04 at
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Batik originated from the Javanese, from the word "amba", meaning to write and "point" of the dots, so that later became ambatitik-ambatik-mbatik-batik. Yes, at first batik all done manually, by writing using a hand so that known as batik.

Art of batik has been started since the time of Majapahit, tracks can be found at Mojokerto and Tulungagung. As the capital of Majapahit kingdom in Mojokerto and Tulungagung which formerly bonorowo (because that first round is a swamp), led by the Duke of Kalang, who in his story would not submit to the Majapahit, until in the end have been killed, and that's when batik artisans of the Majapahit began introducing batik art in the city which is now named Tulungagung bonorowo.

Batik from the geography that is divided into 2 non-coastal and coastal batik. Non-coastal batik is a traditional batik generally still holds the grip. Batik-batik was a lot of us have encountered in the area of Solo and Jogjakarta. Batik-batik was formerly mostly used by a limited circle only (relatives palace) and for certain events must use a certain style, too. Wedding, batik cloth used should be patterned Sidomukti and / or Sidoluhur. As for the show mitoni (7 months), which may be used batik fabric is patterned Ceplok Garuda and / or Parang Mangkoro, and so on for ceremonial occasions other.

Batik coast have the freedom of expression, namely motifs do not have the grip, usually brightly colored / bold and the motive is very rich and beautiful. Batik coast has berakulturasi with foreign cultures, such as floral influenced by India and Europe (Tulip flower), red color is influenced by China at the same time bring a phoenix motifs, butterflies, and so on. While the motives of seafood (clams, starfish, etc.) is an original batik motif coastal archipelago. This coastal batik can we meet in the area of Pekalongan, Cirebon, Lasem, Tuban, TanjungBumi-Bangkalan-Madura Madura and the area in general.

And Did You Know? that people in this coastal area was once batik only for a mere fad to eliminate saturation as in the area of Tuban, our moms waiting batik committed during the harvest season, whereas when the harvest season, all will come down to the field. For the area of Cirebon and other TanjungBumi again, they miss waiting batik because her husband came home from the sea:)

Batik from the side of the divided four ways of making the batik, batik cap, batik prints and batik print. Batik stamp using tools from copper that has been dipola and later will diceplok-ceplokkan onto the prepared cloth, batik printing using the base (sheeting / plastic) which has dipola which will be attached to a fabric which has been prepared. Batik print using a pattern drawn on the computer, set up the printer, just enter, then the fabric will be directly printed with the desired motif (hmm. .. this was the killing of the craftsmen of traditional batik). Batik as it has been written at the beginning, dipola, drawn, colored everything manually using hand and drawn with all your soul, it is no wonder, a professional was only able to produce one sheet of batik cloth (225 x 110 cm) of the fastest in 1 weeks. Therefore, batik is expensive if only seen from the nominal money we spend, but for a work of art, appreciation of creativity that has been poured, the value is to be fair and even lower than the value of the work that has been produced (we were told to try Batik stationery continue our work appreciated ............ 200 000 hmmm dare ga yaa?: p)

Another fundamental difference, both printed batik, batik prints and batik print coloring materials in general use chemicals, while the color batik material for all using natural materials such as bark, wood trees, flowers, fruit, tree roots, leaves etc.. Because basically, every leather / wood / fruit / root tree is unique, producing certain colors. Subhanallah ........

In making Batik will go through several stages of the process:
1. Ngloyor, ie the process of cleaning cloth from the mill which is usually still contain starch, using hot water mixed with straw or hay.
2. Ngemplong, ie the process of compressing the fibers of the newly cleaned fabric.
3. Memola, namely making a pattern using a pencil onto the fabric.
4. Mbatik, namely paste wax / night batik patterns that have been drawn using canthing.
5. Nembok, namely that later allowed to cover the white with candles tembokan.
6. Medel, which has dipola dyeing cloth, coated with wax to the dye that had been prepared.
7. Ngerok / Nggirah, the process of removing wax with a tool pengerok.
8. Mbironi, which is close bagian2 which will remain white and contained tempat2 cecek (dot dot).
9. Nyoga, namely dye again with dye according to the desired color.
10. Nglorod, the process of removing wax with boiling water and then dried in the sun.

Coloring process, removal of wax can be done many times until it produces the desired color and quality. So then there Batik with 1x term process, the process 2x, 3x process. 1x Batik any process, can be solved by experts of the fastest in 1 week, let alone that through the process 2x, 3x process and so on, could take weeks and even months.

So, my compatriots and compatriots, let us appreciate the noble work of batik artisans archipelago, a nation's pride in Indonesia, which people have been blessed with intelligence, creativity is supreme over other nations. We change the image that invitation and invitation batik = = = batik clothes batik into the archipelago and Indonesian batik = preserve culture and batik clothes everyday

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