How to Quickly Create Google Blog Search Engine Detected!
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Dafa-04 at
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There are many ways for your site / blog quickly detected by the Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN et al. Want to know how? Consider the steps - these steps:
1. Create a name which reflects the URL of your blog niche. For example, you like the world of motivation and you want your blog indexed faster even on the first page of search. Then create a blog name that reflects your niche blogs such as this because it's easier et mbah Google crawl and index your blog. Remember Google is a Search Engine to index your blog / site based on relevancy. So who are the first who should be relevant to their domain name so that eventually could bring its own hockey for you.
2. Enter the URL of your blog to Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, et al and to as many Blog Directory even better its distinguished high PR. By this way you not only get free backlinks but also traffic to your blog.
3. Create an original writing, quality, unique and interesting as possible. "Remember that Content is the king n soul of your site" If you consistently and regularly do this then do not have to wait a long time your blog will be a lot who link because they like with the information on your blog. So more quickly detected and popular. Ultimately of course the more one-way backlinks you.This is very important.
4. Learn the science of SEO (Search Engine Optimatization) continuously and consistently. Which in essence is how to make your blog indexed faster by spidernya Google, Yahoo, MSN et al. And better yet for indexed on the first page of search alias TOP TEN GOOGLE SEARCH. Even if you can in the first place!
Way as to optimize the Meta Tags, Meta Keyword, Meta Description, Swap Blog Title, Header Tags H1, H2, shoot the keyword each time posts mainly in the Post title n content, etc.. For content, especially in the first and last paragraphs may be inserted or longtail keyword-keyword-be optimized.
5. Blogwalking diligent and always leaves a trace signature / address of your blog, especially in his homework Blog2 distinguished high.